Saturday 11 October 2008

Musings on the weather

Today the sun is out brightly. It lifts my spirit and makes me feel energetic! When Irish people ask us why we've come here, from California, and what do we think, they often comment about the weather in a negative tone. I surprise them by saying I rather enjoy the weather. I've noticed some relief as if somehow they were responsible. I truly do like the weather. It changes constantly. Aye, they say, you are right it changes all the time.

Praying people start their public prayers with thanksgiving for the sun and the rain. Actually we do need them both. Ireland is the emerald Isle, with all shades of green and brightly sparkling as a gem. You gotta have the rain AND the sun for this.

Today's low is 5 C and high 15 C or 40 F and 60 F. It is very nice!

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